Services hosted by this Server (

aa.lp2.meAmpache - a streaming and website music hosting system
ac.lp2.meAsciinema - a locally hosted Asciinema Server
azenv.lp2.meAZENV - show all environmental variables passed from your browser
bbc.lp2.meBBC Micro Computer Emulator complete with all ROMs, Tape and Disc images BounCA - Certificate Authority for our private network
cc.lp2.meCyberChef - the Cyber Swiss Army Knife - encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis - detects when Website content changes and notifies accordingly
cp.lp2.meCryptPad - the end-to-end encrypted and open-source collaboration suite
dm.lp2.meDomainMOD - system that manages your Domain Names portfolio
drawio.lp2.meDrawIO - Flowchart Maker and Online Diagram software
ec.lp2.meEtherCalc - an online spreadsheet providing collaboriatve editing in real-time
ed.lp2.meEtherDraw - an online drawing package providing collaborative editing in real-time
ep.lp2.meEtherPad - an online editor providing collaborative editing in real-time
flyimg.lp2.meFlyImg - on the fly Image processing proxy
gl.lp2.meGitLab CE - a locally and privately owned GitLab CE instance
guacamole.lp2.meGuacamole - a clientless remote desktop gateway from Apache
gwf.lp2.meGoogleWebFonts - view/download every available font from Google
ip.lp2.meIPinfo - information about your IP address and other IP addresses
ittools.lp2.meITTools - useful tools for I.T. people and Developers
jf.lp2.meJellyfin - multimedia player for music, videos and livetv
karaoke.lp2.meKaraoke Eternal - host your own Karaoke Party!
kasm.lp2.meKASM Workspaces - Docker Container Streaming Platform
lc.lp2.meLamaCleaner - inpainting/outpainting tool powered by state-of-the-art AI models
lg.lp2.meLooking Glass - perform basic network diagnostics from this server
lt.lp2.meLanguageTools - locally self-hosted version of LanguageTools
mc.lp2.meMailCatcher - send email to to inspect mail headers
mt.lp2.meMapTiler - a locally hosted installation of the maptiler server with the Planet database
miro.lp2.meMiroTalk - free secure Video Calls, Chat & Screen Sharing system
mosparo.lp2.meMosparo - The Modern SPAM protection system for webform
myip.lp2.meMyIP - gives you extensive information about your IP address
nc.lp2.meNextCloud - a safe home for all your data
nmon.lp2.menMon - service/Website/Server Uptime Monitor system
oc.lp2.meOwnCast - our very own streaming server
osrm.lp2.meOSRM - open Source Routing Machine - a brilliant Route Planner
ot.lp2.meOliveTin - safe and simple access to predefined shell commands from a web interface
otp.lp2.me2FAuth - fully featured and secure web-based OTP TOTP/HOTP/STEAM code generator
p.lp2.mePiped - alternative front-end for Youtube with no adverts
pbx.lp2.meFreePBX - Cloud based PBX Phone System
pd.lp2.mePairDrop - multi-platform AirDrop-like solution in your webbrowser
pdf.lp2.meStirling PDF - array of tools and utilities pertaining to PDF files
phpvb.lp2.mePHP VirtualBox - manage Oracle Virtual Box Containers
plik.lp2.mePlik - scalable and friendly temporary file upload system
pt.lp2.mePortainer - web based Docker container/image/volume Manager
pw.lp2.mePassword Pusher - secure encrypted service to transfer confidential information
qbt.lp2.meQBitTorrent - brilliant but compact web based Bit Torrent client
qrcodes.lp2.meQRCodes Generator - create colourful QR codes with fully featured options
r.lp2.meThe de facto standard URL shortener
rss,lp2.meFreshRSS - RSS reader
screego.lp2.meMulti-User Screen Sharing with Low Latency/High Resolution using WebRTC
s.lp2.meSearXNG - internet metasearch engine with no tracking aggregating 70+ search engines
serviio.lp2.meServiio - Multimedia MediaBrowser
si.lp2.meSiteInspector - check websites for bad links, spelling mistakes, grammatical issues etc
sl.lp2.meSimpleLogin - receive and send emails anonymously
sshwifty.lp2.meSshwifty is a SSH and Telnet client made for the Web
st.lp2.meOpenSpeedTest - this server is connected to a 1Gb uplink (supposedly!)
traccar.lp2.meTraccar - Car GPS Tracker System
tracking.lp2.meTracking - Tracking system
tsms.lp2.meTemporary SMS system - receive SMS message using anonymous SIM cards
tt.lp2.meTimeTagger - time-tracker with an interactive user experience
translate.lp2.meLibreTranslate - translate files or text between English<-->Any language
tz.lp2.meTZData - timezone from supplied longitude/latitude (JSON) (Example1) / (Example2)
url2png.lp2.meUrl2Png - convert website to a PNG image - Usage instructions here
uptime.lp2.meUptimeKuma Monitor - monitoring/notification of service uptime on this server
webcall.lp2.meWebCall Server - make web-phone calls from your Web Browser
wg.lp2.meWireGuard - extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN
wm.lp2.meWebMin - administration of Linux servers
wp.lp2.meWebPhone - SIP Mobile Phone Client within your browser - Remote Technical Support system complete Dynamic DNS server with support for dyndns2 protocol
my-vpn.linkHeadScale - A locally open source version of the service Tailscale
nospamthankyou.comTemporary Email system - Create temporary email addresses to avoid SPAM - Push notifications made easy - An Open Source Remote Technical Support system - Remote Technical Support system - Remote Technical Support system